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Die Bedeutung der Ethik bei Diamanten

The Significance of Ethical Origin in Diamonds: Why Canadian Diamonds Are the Right Choice

Die Bedeutung der Ethik bei Diamanten
Kanadische Diamanten

The Significance of Ethical Origin in Diamonds: Why Canadian Diamonds Are the Right Choice

  Diamonds, the sparkling treasures of nature, have always been symbols of love, eternity, and luxury. However, in the glittering depths of the diamond industry, there is a side that isn't alw...

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Der Unterschied zwischen Konfliktdiamanten und konfliktfreien Diamanten aus Kanada
Kanadische Diamanten

The difference between conflict diamonds and conflict free diamonds from Canada

Diamonds have a fascinating history, from their formation deep underground to their journey into the hands of lovers, collectors and jewelers. But there is also a dark side to this story: conflict ...

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Diavik Diamantenmine setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit: Kanadas größte Solaranlage entsteht

Diavik diamond mine focuses on sustainability: Canada's largest solar system is being built

Rio Tinto's Diavik Diamond Mine is setting an impressive example for sustainability and renewable energy in northern Canada. With the construction of the largest solar power plant in the Canadian t...

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Kanadische Diamanten

Canada's diamond mines

Canada's large-scale diamond mining began in 1998 after decades of continuous exploration by Canadian geologists. Canada currently has four diamond mines: Ekati, Diavik and Gahcho Kué in the Nor...

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Diamant Verlobungsring
Kanadische Diamanten

Zero Tolerance Policy

Barry's supports and maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding conflict diamonds. Together with the global diamond and jewelry industry, we are taking major steps to trade with partners who supp...

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The Creation of Diamonds

Around 900 million to 3.2 billion years ago, diamonds were formed 150 to 200 kilometers below the earth's surface under extreme pressure and high temperatures. In these perfect conditions, carbo...

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Roh Diamant

The Discovery of Canadian Diamonds

After more than a decade of exhaustive exploration in extreme conditions, Canadian geologists Charles Fipke and Stuart Blusson reached the culmination of their determined search for diamonds in...

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