December: Month of contemplation and noble companions
December is the month of cold winter days, the end of the year and contemplative holidays.
For everyone born in December, the month has something very special in store: three beautiful gemstones that all represent the special magic of this time: turquoise, tanzanite and zircon. Each of these gemstones has its own history, meaning and symbolism.
Turquoise: The stone of heaven and eternal loyalty
Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones and has been valued for thousands of years as a protective and lucky charm. It shimmers in a calming blue, like the sky on a clear winter's day. It has always been a symbol of deep, sincere love. Old legends say that couples who give each other turquoise are bound together forever.
- Origin: Turquoise was first mined in ancient Persia, today the mines in the USA and Mexico are mainly known.
- Meaning: Turquoise stands for protection, healing and friendship. It is said to ward off negative energies and promote inner peace.
- Spiritual effect: Turquoise is often associated with the throat chakra and is said to help with communication and bring clarity to conversations.
Tanzanite: The Mystical Blue
Tanzanite is a relatively young gemstone that was only discovered in the mountains of Tanzania in 1967. It is so rare that it is often referred to as a "treasure from heaven". Its intense blue to violet color makes it unique and sought after. Tanzanite stands for romance, intuition and deep understanding.
- Origin: Tanzanite is found exclusively in the Merelani Hills in Tanzania and is therefore considered rare and valuable.
- Meaning: Tanzanite stands for transformation and enlightenment. It is said to help to release inner blockages and to clearly see one's own path in life.
- Spiritual Effects: Tanzanite is often associated with the third eye chakra and is said to help promote spiritual awareness and intuition.
Zircon: the classic
Zircon is one of the oldest known gemstones and is often confused with diamonds because it has a similar sparkle. It can come in a variety of colors, with blue and white being particularly popular. It is often seen as a symbol of constancy and loyalty. Ancient traditions say that zircon purifies the soul and clears the mind.
- Origin: Zircon is found worldwide, especially in Asia and Australia.
- Meaning: The zircon stands for prosperity, wisdom and success. It is said to clear the mind and give inner strength.
- Spiritual effect: Zircon is often associated with the root chakra and is said to provide grounding and protection from negative energies.
December-borns are lucky enough to be able to choose between three beautiful gemstones. Whether you choose protective turquoise, mystical tanzanite or sparkling zircon depends entirely on your personal preferences. All three stones bring their own benefits and can accompany their wearer on their spiritual journey.